A Guide to Implementing the Theory of Constraints (TOC)





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Project Buffers

Critical Chain

Implementation Details

Multi-Project Drums






This page contains some of the “pointers” needed to turn the knowledge in the preceding pages on Critical Chain Project Management into something that will produce both action and significant results for a particular case.  As you know, people write books on just this aspect and it is not the intent here to provide yet another.  But there are a number of small things, often very small things, that people who are not so familiar with Theory of Constraints might find value in.  Things that we might otherwise do that we shouldn’t do, and things that we might otherwise not do that we should do.  It is one of those interesting things in life to see a “new” approach such as critical chain applied in an “old” environment with many of the old assumptions and reactions – many of which are so automatic that we don’t even think about them – and then to hear that the new approach isn’t working.  It’s not the new approach that is at fault, it is the old thinking of the old environment.  We need to watch for this constantly.

The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly

Well, I don’t know about the good, but I’ve seen a bit of the bad and the just plain ugly.  There are many companies who see themselves as generalized producers rather than “project” companies.  They make things with long touch times, for example tangible manufacturing or near-intangible software, and yet have little explicit project management of their operation.  Companies that build one-offs, either to a standard design or customized, tend to use the “last one like that” to estimate effort in “the next one” and set start and finish dates around that.  They then launch the new project into the system without due regard to the loading on the system because “the customer is waiting and every day is a day lost to him.”  And so it goes.

Where there is some logistical control, oddly, it seems to be as a material resource planning system (MRP).  I say oddly, because such systems depend upon queuing for their functionality and as we know there are no explicit queues in projects.  Oddly too, because such companies may see the age of their MRP system as the cause of their problems and embark on expensive and time consuming upgrades to let them know more quickly how fast they are losing money.  They have addressed an effect rather than the underlying cause.  Maybe people use MRP systems because they do know how damn difficult it is to organize anything around one of the Critical Path Method (CPM) software approaches, a difficulty brought about by the close coupled dependencies (tasks) and localized safety.

Replacing MRP with Critical Chain Project Management is a fundamental step forward.  There is a fine example of this from the United States Marine Corps that you can download (1).

We need to move from the bad to the good.  In order to do so, we must do things that currently we do not do.  We now know the logistical direction of the solution and most of the detail – Critical Chain.  Here, let’s examine a few more of the important implementation details, some of the things that other people might forget to tell us about.

Basic Project Plans

Many manufacturing/service projects that are to some extent repetitive – the same or similar type of thing is produced each time – have sort of “evolved.”  Often no one has ever sat down and asked the critical question about what needs to be done and when, and which parts must be done in sequence and which parts can be done in parallel.  People are far more likely to do this for “unique” projects or very large projects, but when we have a significant number of apparently simple and mundane or repetitive projects we often don’t do it at all.  Of course if we sit down and redo this plan from scratch, then once it is done, we may not need to revisit it again; we have a template, but it will be a vastly improved template compared to the one that we previously carried around in our heads.

We need to sit down and take a long hard look at devising the minimal PERT chart that we need to implement the project.  Something like this.

The result is, as we have said, an “A” plant tipped on its side.  Curiously, this is also Goldratt’s Thinking Process logic diagram for pre-requisite trees tipped on its side as well.  A pre-requisite tree deals with necessity-based logic – a tree with a trunk and main branches but not with the sufficiency of all the sub branches and leaves, or a stick figure rather than something that is fully fleshed out (2).  A discussion of these logical tools can be found in the section called Tool Box.

Using a pre-requisite tree approach it is possible to build the logic needed for the PERT diagram.  If we do so, then the following will occur;

Tasks that are not true predecessors will be resolved out of the critical chain into parallel feeding chains where they belong.  The overall length of the Critical Chain is therefore reduced before we even start.  This is already a significant competitive advantage.

Don’t fall into the trap of providing sufficiency, that is, breaking the basic tasks down into further detail.  The people who are directly involved know what is required.

Task Resourcing

A common enough problem once a proper project plan has been produced is to try and resource it fully.  Once again, we don’t need to do this.  We only need to resource the tasks that we have to.  These are tasks where structural or resource dependency may mean we overload a resource for a time, or where there is a resource or a group of resources who might, if not well managed, constitute an internal constraint.

Recent work by Ricketts (3), especially the concept of resource management and resource buffering in service-type operations, including projects, is important and deserves widespread understanding.  It is a significant move forward in Theory of Constraints knowledge.

Reduce Multi-Tasking

Reducing multi-tasking in projects is akin to reducing work-in-process in manufacturing operations.  Although in manufacturing operations we certainly can increase the output of the constraint independently of the work-in-process, at least in the short term, ultimately failure to reduce work-in-process, and thus manufacturing lead time, will cause such an implementation to stagnate far short of its real potential, or more likely it will cause the implementation to fail.

In project operations we too can increase the output of the constraint, time, by reducing the critical chain, but not independently of the work-in-process in multi-projects.  Because the touch time is so much higher in project operations compared to production operations we can’t even implement Critical Chain Project Management unless we reduce multi-tasking.

Although I have tried to keep things simple and focus on single project implementations, the real world almost always forces multi-project conditions upon us – even if it is a single project – by virtue of “other things” that must be done, as well as the project.  And if you think avoiding multi-project is a cop-out, then just consider how many Critical Path Method explanations don’t even go near multi-project.

There are two aspects to multi-tasking.  Goldratt makes them explicit (4, 5) but my experience is that people confuse the two issues almost immediately.

1.    In any multi-tasking multi-project environment there is a proportionate increase in individual project elapsed time with increase in total number of projects.  Simply stated, double the number of open projects, double the length of any individual project.

2.    Lack of a clear priority system between projects and tasks in a multi-tasking multi-project environment means that there is a disproportionate increase in elapsed time with the increase in total number of projects.  Double the number of open projects and the length of any individual project will more than double.

The consequence of this disproportionate increase in duration is that the reduction in touch time for any one project in such a multi-tasking multi-project environment will be much greater than the 25% reduction in touch time that we can obtain for a single project in a single project environment.

Why is this? Most people ascribe it to “complexity.”  But that is akin to saying “we don’t really know.”

The disproportionate increase arises from the added uncertainty caused by what Goldratt terms “bad-multi-tasking.”  Bad-multi-tasking results from a lack of clear priority in multi-project environments (6).  As we said on the page on project buffers, people are very good at estimating the impact of uncertainty of resource availability and will build additional safety into the touch time estimate to compensate for this (and then we go and waste it for all the mechanistic and psychological reasons that we dealt with on the same page).

We saw the priority rules to avoid this situation in the buffer status section of the previous page.  In fact without buffer management this would be impossible to achieve.  This is why Critical Path Method is careful to avoid addressing multi-project environments where there is resource commonality between projects.

So let’s now look at how to reduce multi-tasking in the simplest case assuming for the moment that there is no confounding caused by lack of clear priority signals amongst the various tasks and projects.

Reduce The Number Of Open Projects – Freeze, Reduce, Maintain

The surest way to improve the flow of work through production operations is to reduce the amount of work-in-process.  Really we are taking away the unnecessary waiting from the process – or unnecessary delay while waiting.  We have no choice but to reduce the number of open projects on the books.

The first thing that has to be done is to stop new projects from entering.  Stopping new projects from entering the system has manifestly positive results.  However, despite the logic, it is not within people’s experience to have projects taking a shorter duration.

The second thing to do is to help “flush” existing projects out the door by concentrating more upon those that are closest to completion.  Concentrating on projects in such a way will cause them to finish sooner and clear the number of existing projects faster – so we can continue to admit new projects sooner.

Goldratt suggests freezing half of the open projects (4, 5).  Let’s investigate this in detail.

Here we have an idealized production operation, too good to be true for sure; but good enough to help convey the mechanics of what we must do.  There are 8 projects open at any one time in this process.  They take 16 periods to complete and one ends and another starts every 2 periods.  We can see that in the next period project 2 will finish and project 10 will start.

However, we are going to stop all new projects from entering and freeze half of the current projects.  Projects 3, 4, 5, & 6 will continue to be worked upon while projects 7, 8, 9, & 10 will be frozen.

Let’s see how this looks.

Projects 1 & 2 are completed.  Projects 3, 4, 5, & 6, are current.  Projects 7, 8, 9, & 10 are frozen. We have one new project, project 11 that is now pending.

Note that the 4 current projects will all be completed in less than their original estimate.  This is because the resources assigned to multi-task on the frozen projects are free to concentrate on the remaining current projects.  The current projects will take half the time to complete the remaining work because twice as much effort is being expended upon them.

The same logic applies in the future to the 4 frozen projects.  We can taken this into account already.  Project 10 which was due to start the period that we imposed the freeze will take half of the original time to complete.  Any new projects will also be scheduled for the same duration – because by the time that they start there will be only half the work-in-process present and therefore twice as much effort can be expended upon them.

Projects 7, 8, 9, & 10 are off-set from the period that they “froze” until the period that they are scheduled to be unfrozen.

Let’s have a look at the next period.

Project 3 is complete, and project 7 is unfrozen and work has recommenced on it.  A new project, project 12 is waiting in queue.  No new work has been admitted and 4 projects remain current.

Let’s look out a period

Project 4 is now complete and project 8 has been unfrozen.  Four projects remain current.  Two projects remain frozen.

Let’s step out a period.

Project 5 has been completed and project 9 has been unfrozen.  There are 4 current projects and one frozen project remains.

Let’s see what happens.

Project 6 is now complete and project 10 is unfrozen.  There are 4 current projects and no frozen projects remaining.

What happens in the next period?

It seems a bit strange but after a period of completing projects one-a-day, we have no project completed in the last period.  Project 7 is completing this period.  There are 4 current projects.

Next period.

Project 7 was completed as scheduled and the first totally new project, project 11, is admitted.  Old transitional projects will now continue to finish every two periods and new projects will be admitted at the same rate.  Four projects will be current at any one time and will take half as long to complete as before.

We have successfully transitioned from 8 projects open at the same time to 4 projects open at the same time.  Projects that use to take 16 periods to complete now take 8 periods to complete.  We achieved this by freezing half the open projects, then unfreezing and maintaining the level of “work-in-process.”

Well a caveat or two.  I know real life does not present boringly uniform projects, but without showing the mechanics is such a boring way, I don’t know how otherwise to get the message across.  Regardless the principle remains the same.  And note that we did make an assumption that staff are sufficiently resourceful that they could always find work of the type for which they are suited even when half the projects were frozen.

Touch Time And The Effects Of Bad-Multi-Tasking

In the simple case above, the duration for a single project has halved from 16 periods to 8 periods.  The total effort however remains unchanged.

Before we had 0.5 effort by 1 lot of 8 projects of 16 periods = 64 units

After we have 1.0 effort 2 lots of 4 projects of 8 periods = 64 units

All we did was take out the gaps caused by our multi-tasking slice and dice that we addressed on the previous page.  The touch time remains unchanged!

Now the important part.

If we approached such a multi-tasking multi-project environment with the assumption that implementing Critical Chain Project Management would yield a reduction in touch time of 25%, we would be right.  But we would also be wrong and not know about it.  The potential reduction is much greater (4, 5).

We have assumed in our simple model some sort of perfect multi-tasking where resources can flip effortlessly between different tasks.  And we have assumed that we have some sort of knowledge of which tasks to flip to and when.  Reality is vastly different.  As we have already noted, Goldratt coined the term  bad-multi-tasking to describe the current (CPM) situation where there is no clear priorities of which tasks we should flip to and when.  The consequence is that multi-tasking chews up touch time when chopping and changing between jobs by not having the right resources available on the right jobs at the right time.

If a single project can be implemented in 75% of the time by addressing the mechanistic aspects of resource and structural dependencies as well as the psychological aspects of procrastination, then the benefits of addressing the same issues over multiple projects is much greater.  We have the priority rules from buffer status to guide us.  Reductions of 50% of the touch time rather than 75% of the touch time are in order.  The Marine Corps example (1) shows a reduction in cycle time (duration) to 1/3rd of initial and an increase in output rate of 100% (= 50% reduction in touch time).

People can and do make accurate allowances for resource non-instant availability in current multi-projects environments.  With buffer status we can largely negate this confounding issue.

Local Efficiency Measurements

There is a challenging notion to install in people-led project management, and that is that in the absence of an internal drum, all personnel should have unassigned capacity.  Even in the presence of a drum, only the drum has fully assigned capacity, everyone else still has unassigned capacity.

In most project organizations project personal tend to be “bread-winners” and are expected to be on project work most of the time, and as most project organizations like to account for their costs this is reinforced by time sheet form filling.  We tend to find people who are expected to be busy will in fact support that with their time sheet billing.  The time sheets at as a “chock” that reinforces some of the psychological factors that we examined on the page on project buffers, and which cause safety to be wasted.

Let’s look at this another way.  You can have 100% resource utilization and your current profitability or you can have considerably more profitability and not know your resource utilization.  How much more profit?  Take your annual throughput (revenue less any 1:1 totally variable costs such as project specific consumables) and subtract your operating expenses (all the unavoidable period expenses such as staff, rent, and so forth).  The remainder is your operating profit.  Now take a quarter of your annual throughput and add that to your annual operating profit, this is your new operating profit.  It is substantially increased because you don’t pay for your operating expenses twice .

Now let’s ask ourselves again, do we want to know how every minute of every day is spent and have last years operating profit again, or do we want to do something different instead?

Measure your projects not your people!

And by-the-way, how do we measure projects?  Buffers status of course.  Now at least we can understand why time sheets were so important in the past.  They were a proxy for project control.

An Alternative Buffer Status Graph

We presented one approach to buffer status on the Critical Chain page although we did not subdivide the buffer into zones.  In the production operations application, drum-buffer-rope, the buffer is divided into three zones.  Working out from the “thing” that we want to protect, the delivery date, the latest zone, zone 1, is called the red zone.  The next zone, zone 2, is called the yellow zone, and the earliest zone, zone 3, is called the green zone.  We can also do this for our critical chain plan.  Let’s have a look.

In the production operations application we don’t act until jobs fail to arrive at the drum or the shipping area one zone duration earlier than the due date.  In fact, most often we don’t even know where the work is in the process until we go and look for it.  This doesn’t matter, the touch time is very small and we are able to catch up.  In project operations it does matter, the touch time is very large and if we were to invoke benign neglect until the red zone, then the chance of catching up is around about zero.  So our completion buffer zonation, as drawn above, won’t do for projects.  Still the way that buffer status was described on the previous page has some discomfort attached to it.  Let’s return to the graph.

The thin blue line marks out the 1/3rd buffer allocation for a single project as a proportion of the total time for the project.  For many people, running a project like this is akin to landing a 747 on a postage stamp (to paraphrase New Zealand hospital CEO’s who wish to not to over-spend, nor to under-spend, their annual budgets – least they annoy the Government in the first case and the taxpayer-patients in the second case).  Is there is another way that we can approach this?  Let’s have a look.

Here, the 1/3rd buffer allocation has been in-turn subdivided into thirds; the red, yellow, and green zones of our buffer.  The implication is that the project buffer status must track within the yellow zone, or possibly even within the green zone.  Excursions into the red zone at any time require remedial action either immediately or in the near future to bring the status back within the yellow zone.  Effectively the project finishes in under 75% of the initial estimate (in fact 50%; the trimmed task time, plus 2/3rds of 25%; the buffer time = 66%).  Regardless of which method is used, the prudent approach is towards conservative buffer consumption.

Alternative Initial Task Sizing Rules

Goldratt is emphatic that whatever the task size, the buffer should be equal to half the lead time of the unbuffered but trimmed plan or 1/3rd of the whole but trimmed plan (4, 5).  It doesn’t take too long to recognize why such a generalized rule should be used.  People when first faced with the concepts of Critical Chain Project Management are quite likely to decide that some individual tasks are well known and that others are not, therefore they will argue that the safety in each is different.  You may have to see this to believe it, you may not do it yourself, but everyone else does.

We are then about 2 seconds away from an infinite and un-resolvable discussion as to the “appropriate” level of buffering in each (and therefore every) task.  I view this as a stalling tactic.  It can stall the process dead; maybe that is the true intent.  In seeking to simplify the dynamic complexity of project management some are only too willing to dive into the underlying detail complexity from which they will fail to surface.

Having said that, there are a number of other approaches that do recognize that different tasks have different levels of safety; two of which warrant mention.  The first of these belong to the “quants.”  Newbold (7) and Leach (8) both give numeric solutions to task sizing.  This approach is also available as a choice in a number of the Critical Chain Project Management software packages.  It avoids the detail complexity hair-splitting by applying one rule – albeit a numeric rule – to all tasks in the plan.  Just because it is numerical does not mean that it is more accurate or more precise, it is just another way to skin a cat.

The diametrically opposite approach is that of Buckridge (9).  For each major task ask for two task estimates.  The first estimate is for the case where everything goes “swimmingly well,” the second estimate is for the case where “things turn to custard.”  The first estimate becomes the task estimate and the difference between the two yields the safety for each task and is aggregated into the respective buffers (but is not reduced at all).  Such an approach will still have oodles of safety embedded within it, but at least it will be completed on time.  This is an approach best reserved for recalcitrant players.  It is a first step to building trust in critical chain so that more realistic buffering can be established in the future.

Rewarding Incorrect Behavior

Previously on the page on Leadership and Learning we discussed the reality of unintentional punishment of positive actions and the unintentional reward of negative actions.  We discussed this in light of the changes brought about by implementing drum-buffer-rope, the production operations logistical solution.  Basically this is a clash of the old with the new, the conundrum being that it is driven by the best of intents.  There is a way out of this conundrum, it requires restraint on the behalf of managers more than anything else.  Let’s investigate this a little more for project operations.

On the Critical Chain page we used the words, “incorrect” and “correct” behavior, this may sound very deterministic, however, that is not the intent.  Let’s look first and the unintended reward of incorrect behavior in project environments.  We spent a great deal of time (a whole webpage) discussing buffering in project environments.  One of the key findings was that not only are there mechanistic factors operating, such as task and resource dependencies, but also psychological factors operating in positive response to our working environment – the need to start tasks late and the need to finish tasks late.  In most environments there is also multi-tasking going on, either between different projects or between project and non-project work.  Even if the environment is changed tomorrow, the feelings will still linger, that is the behaviour will still linger.

Individuals or groups assigned to a task who have fallen behind, will, based upon previous experience, expect management to step in and provide more resources – or more time.  Managers, based upon previous experience, may respond by doing exactly what is expected of them.  This, after all, is how it always worked before.  However, doing so after beginning to use Critical Chain Project Management will have a negative consequence unless it can be shown by buffer management that absence of such a response will endanger the whole project.  In other words we have to move past reacting to squeaky wheels.  Rewarding such actions will only cause such circumstances to continue.  Failing to reward such actions will cause those involved to look for ways – solutions – to their own problems rather than receive additional help.  If we don’t do that we will short-circuit any process of on-going improvement.  In fact we doubly short-circuit it because those that have done the correct behaviour will feel demotivated.

Punishing Correct Behavior

What then of the opposite case; punishing correct behaviour?  Individuals or groups assigned to a task who have finished early, will, based upon previous experience, expect to pad the job out.  Sure, in the past people have been reassigned, but usually from one late task to another even later task.  Making honest task estimates and finishing early – that is with buffer capacity to spare, puts these people “at risk” of reassignment.  Managers doing their best might well be reluctant to leave people “sitting” “unproductively,” but that is exactly what we should do unless buffer status tells us to do otherwise.  Punishing prompt completion by reassigning people will only cause the old circumstances to continue.  Not punishing such actions will begin to reinforce to everyone that fundamental changes are afoot.

The exception to this (apart from when buffer status tells us that we must do something) is if the people concerned make the offer.  That is, if people who have time on their hands make the offer, then it should be accepted.  They won’t do this unless they believe the cause is real.  It may not happen the first time, but it will happen.  We can be proactive due to our buffer feedback, we don’t need to be reactive anymore – but old habits are sometimes hard to break.  These are powerful and interrelated reinforcing actions.  The unintentional punishment causes a positive action to cease and is very difficult to restart; the unintentional reward causes a negative action to carry on and is very difficult to stop.

We need to be seen to be managing.  And managing usually means taking action.  We will find that quite often in this new environment managing will mean not taking an action.

Multi-Tasking & Matrix Organizations

Goldratt quite rightly points out that many project management organizations operate as “matrix organizations,” organizations in which managerial authority (but not responsibility) is vested in the personnel’s technical or substantive “resource” manager while responsibility (but not authority) for project delivery is vested in a separate project manager.  The project manager being devoid of the authority to man the project.

This creates a perfect dichotomy where project delivery responsibility and authority are misaligned.  The solution to the problem, for which Critical Chain Project Management then “rides to the rescue,” is to use buffer management to address the real priorities between conflicting project managers, resource managers, and the very people – the resources – who are caught in the middle.  Of course, this is in the context of proper staggering of individual project plans and the consequent reduction in reactionary multi-tasking.  People are well aware, also, that matrix organizations aren’t the preserve of large firms, even small “boutique” professional firms seem able to create considerable havoc with as few as a couple of handfuls of staff (“I can’t come over to talk to you, I am too busy sending you an e-mail”).

As nice as the buffer management solution is to this problem, it only addresses a symptom.  And we should know much better than that, should we not?  Therefore, what about the core problem of two managers with different or divided responsibility?  There is a solution to this.  Let’s have a look.

Elliott Jaques began studying real living industry in the form of the Glacier Metal Company in 1947 and continued through to 1977.  Single industry longitudinal studies such as this a very rare but also very rich in their returns.  One consequence of the Glacier study was to formulate an understanding of matrix organization that seems unrivalled elsewhere.  Jaques argues that the real question is not who resources are accountable to, but rather who is held accountable for their work (10, 11).  “A matrix of people cannot be held accountable for giving vigorous and creative leadership to anyone.  The resulting loss of incisiveness is grievous.”

Project teams are in Jaques language, “attached subordinate teams,” the resource manager is the home-base manager, the project manager is the borrowing manager, and the team member is the subordinate.  The borrowing manager must respect the home-base manager-subordinate relationship, but can;

§  Assign tasks to the team member

§  Review and coach with respect to those tasks

§  Report on the team members effectiveness to the home-base manager for merit review

§  Initiate termination from the team before the stipulated time has elapsed.

Where the subordinate is attached temporarily, as on an ad hoc project team, the home-base manager decides the subordinates merit review, taking the borrowing manager’s appraisal into account.

Its hard to do justice in a paragraph or two on just one aspect; there is much more.  The material is significant, accessible, and available; it is well worth investigating if you want to address the core issues of requisite authority in requisite organizations.  Most organizations are both non-systemic and non-requisite.

Having a matrix organization seems more like an excuse than a solution, however, buffer management and reduced multi-tasking has been shown to make such organizations significantly easier to manage.

Few people seem to venture into the work of Jaques, although there are exceptions (12, 13), and we are all the poorer for it.  This might simply indicate a lack of “requisite leadership.”


Critical Chain Project Management presents us with an opportunity to plan projects well for maybe the very first time.  We should make sure that we break with our old traditions of how we have done things in the past and re-plan our projects from scratch.  But planning is only half the story.  The real power of Critical Chain Project Management comes from the control afforded during the execution or deployment of the job.  Buffer status and buffer management allows us unprecedented feedback on the progress of the project and where to focus attention and where not.  And maybe this is the most important factor in the whole approach.  We have a totally new and systemic way to manage projects.  We should make the very most of this opportunity.


(1) Srinivasan, M., Jones, D., and Miller, A., (2004) Applying Theory of Constraints principles and Lean Thinking at the Marine Corps maintenance center.  Defense Acquisition Review Journal Aug-Nov, pp 134-135.

(2) Dettmer, H. W., (2003) Strategic navigation: a systems approach to business strategy.  ASQ Quality Press, pg 190.

(3) Ricketts, J. A., (2008) Reaching the goal: how managers improve a services business using Goldratt’s Theory of Constraints.  IBM Press, pp 67-89.

(4) Goldratt, E. M., (2002) TOC on project management and engineering: a self learning program.  Goldratt’s Marketing Group (video-based tutorial).

(5) Goldratt, E. M., (2003-2006) TOC insights into project management and engineering.  Goldratt’s Marketing Group (software-based tutorial).

(6) Goldratt, E. M., (1998) Project Management the TOC Way.  Avraham Y. Goldratt Institute Limited, pg 37 onwards.

(7) Newbold, R. C., (1998) Project management in the fast lane: applying the Theory of Constraints.  St. Lucie Press, pg 95.

(8) Leach, L.P., (2000) Critical chain project management.  Artech House Inc., pp 167-168.

(9) Buckridge, K., (2006) personal communication.

(10) Jaques, E., (2006) Requisite organization: a total system for effective managerial organization and managerial leadership for the 21st century – revised second edition memorial.  Cason Hall & Co., page pairs 83, 84, & 98.

(11) Jaques, E., and Clement, S D., (1991) Executive leadership: a practical guide to managing complexity.  Cason Hall & Co., pp 107-108 & 233 - 239.

(12) H. W. Dettmer (2007) The logical thinking process: a systems approach to complex problem solving.  American Society for Quality, pg 322.

(13) Harvey’s J. B., (1999) How come every time I get stabbed in the back my fingerprints are on the knife?  Jossey-Bass, pp 175 - 202.

This Webpage Copyright © 2008 - 2009 by Dr K. J. Youngman